Service Status

Current status information
and Planned Maintenance on e-integration systems

Here, you find information about the current service status as well as the planned maintenance windows for our EDI Clearing Center systems.

In case of any suspected incident please use this page as your first source of information.

EDI Systems Digital Documents Systems Other Systems
​Current Status: Normal Operation Normal Operation Normal Operation
​Incidents during last 24 hours: none none none

Maintenance Windows 2025 Overview

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

Below all planned maintenance windows for the year 2025 - please mark them in your calendar:

  • Sunday, 02/16/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CET
  • Sunday, 03/30/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CEST
  • Sunday, 05/11/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CEST
  • Sunday, 06/22/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CEST
  • Sunday, 08/03/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CEST
  • Sunday, 09/14/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CEST
  • Sunday, 10/26/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CET
  • Sunday, 12/07/2025, 10 am to 2 pm CET

Maintenance Windows 2024 Overview

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

Here you can find an overview of all planned maintenance windows for the year 2024:

  • Sunday, 01/14/2024, 10 am - 2 pm CET
  • Sunday, 01/28/2024, 10 am - 2 pm CET
  • Sunday, 02/11/2024, 10 am - 2 pm CET
  • Sunday, 03/10/2024, 10 am - 2 pm CET
  • Sunday, 03/24/2024, 10 am - 2 pm CET
  • Sunday, 04/14/2024, 8 am - 6 pm CEST
  • Friday, 06/07/2024, 6 pm to Sunday, 06/09/2024, 6 pm CEST.
  • Sunday, 06/23/2024, 10 am - 11 am CEST.
  • Saturday, 08/24/2024, 6 am CEST to Sunday, 08/25/2024, 6 pm CEST
  • Sunday, 09/29/2024, 8 am - 6 pm CEST
  • Saturday, 10/26/2024 9 am CEST to Sunday, 10/27/2024, 7 pm CET
  • Sunday, 11/10/2024, 8 am - 6 pm CET
  • Sunday, 12/22/2024, 8 am - 6 pm CET
Possible changes will be communicated here. Please note that we will update our infrastructure from January to March, so there are more maintenance windows than usual during this period.

During this maintenace windows there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.

01/15/2024: Service Desk not available by e-mail

Due to a technical problem, our Service Desk is currently not available by email. Please contact us by phone for urgent requests. 

12/07/2023: RESOLVED - Delayed data processing

The data processing/conversion in our EDI systems is currently disrupted due to an exceptionally high workload. The communication systems are not affected by this, so that all data can still be accepted and provided.
It is guaranteed that no received data will be lost. Only the data processing (conversion of input data and their provision) will be delayed.

Replacement of the SSL/TLS certificate on 10/17/2023

The two SSL/TLS certificates for server authentication of FTPS and HTTPS-AS2 connections for the domains and expire on October 30th and November 12th. For this reason, we will replace the certificates on Tuesday, October 17th, between 12 pm CEST and 1 pm CEST. 
Please note that only the certificates for server authentication will be exchanged. The certificates for the encryption are not exchanged and are still valid.

05/11/2023: Delayed data processing via X.400

Deutsche Telekom has informed us that there was a disruption in the exchange of data via X.400 at around 4 p.m. yesterday (5/10/2023). The data exchange continued, but with considerable delays. The effects of this disruption have led to a backlog in the X.400 systems, which will be gradually reduced in the further course. Until then, delays in data exchange via X.400 may continue. Our internal systems are not affected and process all incoming data via X.400 immediately.

All other communication channels are not affected by the disruption.

10/23/2022: Regular Maintenance on EDI Systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on October 23, 2022 between 8 am and 6 pm (CEST).

During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.

In particular, we will disable transport encryption TLS for all communication protocols in versions smaller than 1.2. Furthermore, encryption methods classified as not secure for the future will also be removed. 

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

10/18/2022: Exchange of the AS2 SSL/TLS certificate on October 18, 2022

Our AS2 SSL/TLS certificate will expire on 10/25/2022. For all AS2 connection partners using https, we will replace the certificate on October 18, 2022 at 11am CEST. The new certificat can be found here: 

08/07/2022: Regular maintenance on EDI systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on Sunday, August 7, 2022, between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm.

During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

06/03/2022: Resolved: e-integration Wiki not accessible from external devices

Due to a security vulnerability in the Confluence wiki, our wiki page ( was not accessible by external users between 6/3 and 6/7/2022. The issue was fixed by the manufacturer. 

04/23 and 04/24/2022: Maintenance

On  April 23rd and 24th, 2022 we will carry out maintenance work on our EDI systems between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. (CET) each day in order to perform extensive updates to databases.

During this time, there will be delays in data processing and brief unavailability of our systems. These disruptions will not affect operations if the communication system you are using supports automatic resending of messages.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

03/27/2022: Regular maintenance on EDI systems

On Sunday, March 27, 2022, we carry out maintenance work between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET. 

During this time, there will probably be short unavailabilities of our systems, also a longer lasting interruption cannot be excluded. These disruptions will not affect operations if the communication system you are using (including VPN tunnels) supports automatic resending of messages.

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

03/07/2022: Launch of a new email server 

On Monday, March 07, 2022, we will be launching a new e-mail server at our Düsseldorf site at lunchtime.

No restrictions are expected during the changeover and our service desk will remain available to you as usual. The existing e-mail server will continue to run in parallel during the changeover. Should there be any restrictions contrary to expectations, we have planned personnel capacities to react quickly.

02/20/2022: Regular maintenance on e-integration systems

On Sunday,  February 20, 2022, we carry out maintenance work between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET. 

During this time, there will probably be short unavailabilities of our systems, also a longer lasting interruption cannot be excluded. These disruptions will not affect operations if the communication system you are using (including VPN tunnels) supports automatic resending of messages.

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

12/19/2021: Regular maintenance on e-integration systems

On Sunday,  December 19, 2021, we carry out maintenance work between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET. 

During this time, there will probably be short unavailabilities of our systems, also a longer lasting interruption cannot be excluded. These disruptions will not affect operations if the communication system you are using (including VPN tunnels) supports automatic resending of messages.

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

11/7/2021: Regular Maintenance on e-integration system 

On Sunday, November 7, 2021, we carry out maintenance work between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m CET.
In our firewall cluster, a replacement of hardware will be carried out as scheduled.
During this time, there will probably be short unavailabilities of our systems, also a longer lasting interruption cannot be excluded. These disruptions will not affect operations if the communication system you are using (including VPN tunnels) supports automatic resending of messages..
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

10/06/2021: Exchange of the AS2 SSL/TLS certificate

Our AS2 certificate for encryption of https connections expires on 10/10/2021. For this reason we will change to a new certificate on 10/06/2020 at 11am CEST.
If you are using an https connection for your AS2 connection to our systems, the certificate must be exchanged at this time. The new certificate can be found on the AS2 information page in the Esker EDI Portal.

09/12/2021: Regular maintenance on e-integration systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on Sunday, 12th September 2021, between 8 am and 6 pm (CEST).
During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

09/01/2021: Resolved: Telephone Outage at Ratingen offices

Because of a malfunction at our telephony provider, we were temporarily not reachable by phone at our Ratingen offices. The problem was resolved.

05/18/2021: Resolved - EDI systems unavailable

Between 12.10 and 1.10 pm CEST, there was a malfunction in the firewall of our EDI systems. 

During this time, the systems were not accessible from the outside. The processing itself was not affected. The malfunction may have caused a backlog in outgoing messages on your or your partners' systems.

We thank you for your understanding and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

5/9/2021: Regular maintenance in e-integration systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on Sunday, May 9th, 2021, between 8 am and 6 pm CEST.
During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

03/25/2021: Further update OFTP2 production instance 

Next Thursday, March 25, 2021, we will perform an update in our OFTP2 productive instance between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. (CET).
With this update, the work started on March 15 will be completed in cooperation with our OFTP2 software partner. The update is carried out in this period, because this way a quickest possible completion of the update can be realized in cooperation with our partner. During this time OFTP2 connections are not or only limited available.
The disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

03/15/2021: Update OFTP2 production instance 

Next Monday, March 15, 2021, we will perform an update in our OFTP2 productive instance between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. (CET). During this time OFTP2 connections will not be available or will be limited. The update will be carried out during this period because this enables the fastest possible completion of the update in cooperation with our OFTP2 software partner.
The disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

12/6/2020: Regular maintenance on server systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on Sunday, 12/6/2020 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET.
During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

21.10.2020: AS2 certificate change

Our AS2 certificate for encryption of https connections expires on 24.10.2020. For this reason we will change to a new certificate on 10/21/2020 at 10 am.
If you are using an https connection for your AS2 connection to our systems, the certificate must be exchanged at this time. The new certificate can be found on the AS2 information page in the Esker EDI Portal.

10.10.2020: Hardware maintenance

On Saturday, October 10th, we carry out maintenance work between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.. A hardware replacement has become necessary in our communication cluster, which has to be done at short notice and requires an unscheduled maintenance window.  
During this time there will probably be short unavailabilities of our systems, also a longer lasting interruption cannot be excluded. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

4.10.2020: Hardware maintenance 

On Sunday, October 4, we carry out maintenance work between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.. A hardware replacement has become necessary in our communication cluster, which has to be done at short notice and requires an unscheduled maintenance window.
During this time there will probably be short unavailabilities of our systems, also a longer lasting interruption cannot be excluded. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

6.9.2020: Regular maintenance on server systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on Sunday, 9/6/2020 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET.
During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

21.7.2020: Resolved: Malfunction in data processing

This morning there was a temporary malfunction in our EDI processing systems. The fault has been rectified and all systems are running normally again. The malfunction has caused a backlog in the processing systems, which will be cleared during the course of the day. Therefore, delays in data processing may continue to occur.

It is ensured that no data has been lost.

21.07.2020: Maintenance at our service provider

Our data center service provider has informed us about an upcoming maintenance window in their network. This will last from 12:01 to 06:00 AM CET next Tuesday, 7/21/2020.
Our service provider does not anticipate any major impact on data traffic. However, in the event of unexpected complications, failures may occur that would affect the communication to and from our production systems. In such a case, messages could neither be delivered to our systems nor sent from them.
These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending. It is ensured that no messages are lost.
We have no influence on the date for this maintenance window.

3.7.2020: Resolved - Malfunction in EDI systems

This morning there was a disruption in our EDI processing systems. The fault has already been rectified and all systems are running normally again. The malfunction has caused a backlog in the  message processing system, which will be processed during the course of the day. It is ensured that no data has been lost.

We thank you for your understanding and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

19.7.2020: Regular maintenance on server systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on Sunday, 19th of July 2020 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET.
During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.
By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

22.6.2020: Resolved - Malfunction in internet connection at Ratingen offices

This noon between 11.40 AM and 1.40 PM CET, there was a disruption in the internet connection at the Ratingen offices. The reason for this was a disruption at our provider. During this period, the support team was not available, the ticket system and the Esker EDI portal were also not available. The malfunction has now been resolved and all systems are running normally again.
The EDI processing systems were not affected, so no data was lost. There were no failures of communication links and no delays in data processing.
We thank you for your understanding and apologize for the inconvenience caused. 

12.5.2020: Resolved - Malfunction in ticket system

This morning there was a fault in the ticket system of e-integration support. This has already been rectified and operations are running normally again. The operation was not affected and ran normally the whole time.

10.5.2020: Regular maintenance at server systems

We carry out regular maintenance work on our EDI systems on Sunday, 10th of May, 2020 between 8 am and 6 pm CET.

During this period there may be delays in data processing and short unavailabilities of our systems. These disruptions will have no effect on operation if the communication system you are using supports automatic message resending.

By regular maintenance and updates we continuously improve our systems and thus ensure a sustainable EDI operation for you and your business partners.

18.03.2020: Information on COVID-19

The current spread of COVID-19 is affecting business and private life all over the globe. e-integration takes its role as an "enabler" of businesses very serious. Find further information on our approach with the current situation in our PDF:

English Version

German Version

01.03.2020: Regular maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 1st of March 2020 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic message resending. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

18.02.2020: Maintenance at service provider

Our datacenter service provider has informed us about an upcoming maintenance window in their network. This lasts from 10 p.m. to on February 18, 2020.
Our service provider does not expect any major impact on data traffic. We have no influence on the date for this maintenance window.

26.01.2020: Regular maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 26th of January 2020 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic message resending. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

8.12.2019: Regular maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 8th of December 2019 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic message resending. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

17.11.2019: Regular maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 17th of November 2019 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic message resending. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.

20.10.2019: Maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 20th of October 2019 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

25.08.2019: Maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 28rd of August 2019 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

12.07.2019: Resolved: Delayed data transfer in e-integrations data centre

In the night from 11 to 12 July, a technical problem occurred in e-integration's data center, resulting in a backlog of messages. The problem was fixed on Friday morning. The backlog was resolved during the day. 

28.07.2019: Maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 28rd of July 2019 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

24.06.2019: Delayed data transfer for incoming files via FTP

2:00 p.m. CET: The technical difficulties are solved and the backlog removed. FTP processing is back to normal.

10:00 a.m. CET: At the moment, there is a problem with the processing of files incoming files via FTP. This problem affects only a part of our customers and EDI partners using FTP. We're currently working on a solution and apologize for any inconvenience.

23.06.2019: Maintenance at e-integration data centre

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 23rd of June 2019 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

07.05.2019: Standard AS2 Certificate change on the production system

On 07.05.2019 the standard AS2 certificate (CN=e-integration CC AS2 Server, O=, C=DE, | SN = 1241689100484) has expired. 

Therefore we would ask you to download the currently valid certificate ( via this link and install it on your AS2 system.

The changeover should be carried out immediately, otherwise the exchange of data is no longer possible. Please forward this information to the appropriate department.

If you have any questions, please contact our support at or +49 2102 479 101.

05.05.2019: Maintenance at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 5th of May 2019 between 08:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

14.04.2019: Maintenance at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 14th of April 2019 between 08:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

08.03.2019: Delays in Message Processing

A technical failure in the night from 7.3.2019 to 8.2019 was resolved around 8:30 in the morning.
The resulting backlog was processed and resolved until 13:30.

17.02.2019: Maintenance at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 17th of February 2019 between 08:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

07.12.2018: Maintenance at X.400 systems

e-integration will perform a short maintenance at X.400 systems on Friday, 07th of December 2018 between 1 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. CET.

During this time, X.400 message processing may be delayed for short times. 

These interruptions should have no effect on overall operation. We apologize for any inconvenience.

28.11.2018: Maintenance at X.400 systems

e-integration will perform a short maintenance at X.400 systems on Wednesday, 28th of November 2018 between 10.30 a.m. and 11 a.m. CET.

During this time, X.400 message processing may be delayed for short times. 

These interruptions should have no effect on overall operation. We apologize for any inconvenience.

25.11.2018: Maintenance at X.400 systems

e-integration will perform shortly scheduled maintenance at our X.400 systems on Sunday, 25th of November 2018 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. CET.

During this time, X.400 message processing may be delayed for short times.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

04.11.2018: Maintenance at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 4th of November 2018 between 08:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

28.10.2018: Maintenance and new SSL certificate at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 28th of October 2018 between 08:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The SSL certificate on our FTP server ( was exchanged during the maintenance window. Such an exchange takes place every two years and is a routine process. 
Due to this exchange it may happen that the dialog window (which you can see on the right) is displayed when setting up an FTPS connection.

If you receive this message, please confirm the trustworthiness of the certificate, otherwise no connection can be established. Most FTP clients do not display this message because most clients recognize the certificate as valid and trustworthy. SFTP and FTP connections without SSL are not affected by this process. 

If you have any questions, please contact our support. 

Odoo text and image block

07.10.2018: Maintenance at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform shortly scheduled maintenance on Sunday, 07th of October 2018 between 08:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. CET. During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication systems.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

02.10.2018: Malfunction of EDI system: Delayed processing

Due to a malfunction in an operating component during the night from 1 to 2 October, EDI messages were delayed in the e-center on 2 October during the morning.

The malfunction could be resolved in the morning and the backlog could be cleared by noon. Meanwhile the systems are running normally again.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

17.06.2018: Maintenance at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 17th June 2018 between 08:00 a.m. and 06:00 p.m. CET. .     

During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication system.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

 We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate ot contact us by e-mail ( or telephone (+49 2102 479 101).f you h

Past 3 Maintenance Windows: 

​22.10.2017 ​​25.06.2017 05.03.2017

ave any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

06.06.2018: OFTP2 certificate change

The current OFTP2 certificates will expire in the near future and will be replaced by new certificates.

The replacement of the certificates is planned for 

                    Thursday 07.06.2018, 14:00 hrs (CET)

From this point on, the new certificates will be used.

Please activate the new certificates in your OFTP2 environment in time and send us a confirmation.
 by mail.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. tivate the new certificates in your OFTP2 environment in time and send us a confirmation. by mail. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

30.05.2018: SSL / TLS certificate change on AS2 production system

We would like to inform you that we will exchange our SSL / TLS certificate ( | SN= 65815031995331019505759149718028374887) on our AS2 productive system on 08.06.2018 at 12.00 (CET / UTC+1).
Please store the certificate on your system so that our client can continue to authenticate itself against your server after the changeover.
On the effective date (08.06.2018) this certificate will also be available as server certificate on our site.

This certificate is also used for encryption and signatures in individual configurations.
In this case we have already deposited the certificate and a conversion can be carried out immediately.
From the above date, the old certificate can no longer be used.

You can download the certificate from the following address.

Our AS2 ID "EDICC" or "EDICC2" remains unchanged.
Our URL "" also remains unchanged.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

03.04.2018: Change-over of telephone system / short-term unavailability

Due to a change of the telephone system of our office infrastructure it can come on 03.04.2018 to short-term unavailability of out switchboard and the employee extensions including the support telephone number.

If you can not reach your desired contact person, please send an e-mail to (malfunctions) (contractual matters) (general concerns)

Thank you for your understanding!

22.10.2017: Maintenance at e-integration data center

e-integration will perform maintenance on Sunday, 22nd October 2017 between 08:00 a.m. and 06:00 p.m. CET. .     

During this time, message processing may be delayed and you may experience brief interruptions to our communication system.

These interruptions should have no effect on the overall operation, assuming that your communication system supports automatic retry options.

 We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate ot contact us by e-mail ( or telephone (+49 2102 479 101).

Past 3 Maintenance Windows: 

​25.06.2017 ​05.03.2017 ​​​04.12.2016