AS2 (eCC 3)


The abbreviation AS2 stands for a secure peer-to-peer transmission protocol for business data based on MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). AS2 is documented in detail in RFC 4130.

The most important AS2 features are:

  • Secure transmission of structured business data (in various formats such as XML, UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X.12, CSV, etc.) using the HTTP protocol.
  • Bi-directional active sending of messages
    • Each side uploads files to the other's server
    • No wait times due to polling intervals: message processing starts immediately after receiving a file.
    • The participants are always ready to receive data in order to be able to receive data from a partner: This behavior distinguishes AS2 fundamentally from mail systems.
  • Structuring of the transmitted data according to the MIME standard.
  • Authentication and encryption of the transmitted data according to S/MIME using private or public certificates.
  • Authenticated receipts are generated to the original HTTP messages as "MDN" (Message Disposition Notification) so that the sender of the data has positive confirmation having delivered them (MDNs are only generated upon request of the sender of data).

e-integration parameters

AS2 parameters e-integration values
​Technical Contact e-integration Support Team 
+49 2102 479 - 101

Also available: (HTTPS)
Encryption via SSL/HTTPS is not strictly required in AS2 since AS2 can already encrypt the entire message exchange and sign its payload anyways.
When using SSL/HTTPS for client authentication please install our SSL certificate for that.
IP address
Please ensure that your firewall settings accept incoming connection requests from this IP address.
AS 2 URL (Test) (HTTP)
Also available: (HTTP/S)

IP address: (ensure your firewall allows connections from this IP)
AS2-ID (Test)


A note to our e-AS2 Connect customers:
since it is not possible to add EDIESKER-TEST as an additional partner profile, please create a directory EDIESKER-TEST in folder interface/out
This ensures that test data is sent our test system from this folder.

AS2 encryption
e-integration expects AES256-CBC (SHA-256) using our "Standard AS2 public key certificate" (see below).
Other options are accepted without further specification.

e-integration would like to encrypt AS2 data using AES256-CBC (SHA-256) encryption by default. 
Please provide your AS2 public key certificate to us to use for encryption.
AS2 signature
e-integration signs messages using SHA256withRSA (default) with our "Standard AS2 certificate" (see below).
​MDN Delivery Mode ​e-integration requests "synchronous MDN" by default.
File Compression ​e-integration automatically detects and handles compressed files.
By default, e-integration does not send compressed files.

Certificates and public key

To operate AS2, certificates and/or a public key must be installed.
Depending on your requirements and settings, you may need to install none, one or both of the below certificates.

On this site you will find all required files for download:

The files are named as follows: 

​Standard AS2 certificate

Used for AS2-level encryption and message signatures. e-integration recommends to use encryption and message signatures based on this certificate.

This is a self-signed certificate.
This certificate needs to be loaded into your AS2 profile that you use to connect to e-integration AS2 when enabling encryption and message signatures.

Note: As a self-signed certificate, this is not suited for SSL Client Authentication; use the SSL certificate below for that.

SSL/HTTPS certificate

Can be used for "Client Authentication" and encryption on SSL-/HTTPS-level.
This is a certificate signed by a Trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

Use this certificate when configuring "Client Authentication" based on a certificate (as opposed to username/password or no authentication).

Note: this certificate is not used for AS2-level encryption and message signatures; use our "Standard AS2 certificate" above for this purpose.

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